Confessions of a Jesus Follower chronicles my journey to follow Jesus. It is a witness blog that covers the ups, downs, detours, wrong turns and finally finding the narrow path to Jesus. Conceptualized in 2011, twelve years later, these are the stories of a prodigal child’s voyage home. It is my own road to Damascus where I willfully walked blindly, in denial and stubbornly taking my own directions until I finally let Jesus open my eyes, lead the way and start to make my daily attempts to pursue Him.
I hope to encourage you on your own road to seek and follow Jesus.
Maybe my stories will resonate with you. Maybe you’ll know you’re not the only one going through what you are going through.
Maybe you will see that there’s an end to that lonely and sometimes painful road from someone that walked it before you.
I’m glad you’re here. Come for the blog, stay for the comments, Contact me to Contribute!