WWJD? In the current state of the world we are living in, I find myself asking, What would Jesus do?
Our country is divided, and catastrophic disasters are playing out in front of our very screens. There are wars, not just rumors of wars.

I’ve taken to wearing these old-school WWJD bracelets.
The kind given to kids during Bible vacation school or Sunday school. I am a visual learner. I woke up one day thinking I needed to wear this on my wrist. I need it as a reminder to keep my mind and hope focused on Jesus.
Whether you stand to the left, the right, or somewhere in between in our global landscape. No matter your color, your creed, your beliefs, no matter your gender, or financial status. We are ALL children of the almighty God. He loves us all the same. The same. If we are being honest, that can be hard to accept. We like to stand on our own beliefs. We do not like what is different from ourselves.
We think we are right and our neighbor is wrong. What we think is unjust, someone else believes is justice.
In light of this chaos I wondered: What would Jesus do? How would He react? With my human tendencies and emotions of righteous anger and frustration, it was easier to grumble angrily and feel hopeless.
But in the quiet, I realized Jesus would Pray. Simple as that.
Though prayer seems too simple an answer or a useless call to action nowadays, think about it. While living here on earth, the Son of God woke up early in the morning to pray. He left the crowds to be alone and seek His Father’s voice. He made it a point to be in His Father’s presence. If Jesus did it……?!?!
There are many things Jesus modeled for us in this life that oftentimes seem impossible to follow. Prayer is not one of those things. Everyone can pray.
Prayer and quiet time with God can open your heart. It changes your mind. It will guide your steps. If you let God truly speak to you, you will hear His voice. He can turn your heart of stone into a heart of flesh. He promises that if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.
God is Omnipresent
Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we stand in the presence of God. While we are in the kitchen or in the office. When lying in our beds or looking out at the ocean. While you’re in front of your computer screen or staring at your phone. He is there. He is omnipresent. He is found everywhere at the same time. He is omniscient; He knows everything.
Everything under heaven belongs to Him.
There’s no place where you are that He isn’t. So you don’t have to go far to find Him. He is there right where you are standing.
God is all forgiving, let that sink in. No matter what depravity you think you are living in, there is nothing He won’t forgive. God is omnibenevolent. God is all loving.
I asked Jesus what He would do, and when I listened and prayed, these words came to mind:
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart. You shall love Him with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Love God. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Simple as that.
This is not only what Jesus would do. This is what He says for us to do.
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